Beehive Kids Makerspace presents:
Science and Art Workshops
all ages; all materials provided; $20

Fractal Sculptures
Saturday, March 7, 2020, 2:30-4:30pm
Fractals are objects and patterns in nature, which are assembled of parts having the same form character as the whole. The examples are trees, snowflakes, coastlines, lungs, etc. in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation.
Calculating, drawing and folding tetrahedrons from poster boards and assembling them into larger three-dimensional fractal sculptures following the simple algorithms.

Stencils and Spray Paint
Saturday, March 14, 2020, 2:30-4:30pm
The participants will explore the technology of spray paint and aerosol techniques. They will practice painting free hand on a wall or to create custom stencils.

Tensegrity Sculptures
Saturday, March 21, 2020, 2:30-4:30pm
Many structures in nature are strong and stable as consequence of rigid structure being inside a flexible outer membrane. The examples include cells, whose shape is determined by the cytoskeleton inside phospholipid bilayer cell wall.
Creation of a three-dimensional and structurally strong form will be achieved with wooden sticks and stretch wrap. The resulting structure is very strong despite the absence of any fasteners or glue.

Micrograph Transfers
Saturday, March 28, 2020, 2:30-4:30pm
This workshop will demonstrate how to observe our world through a microscope, capture the images and tranform them into works of art that can be hung on a wall.
Beehive Kids Makerspace
118 E Jefferson Street
Viroqua, WI

